What is best for our children?

Everyone is feeling the uncertainty of the times. So much newness, so much to decide about, so much that seems frightening. For those of us working with children, whether as parents, teachers, childcare providers or other professionals, we can feel really unsure and filled with nagging questions. This is not the first time historically this dynamic has confronted those charged with the care of children.

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Thank you for giving voice to children

One of the jobs we have as Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health professionals is to give voice to the child. While we cannot know for sure what the child is thinking or would express if s/he had the verbal skills to let us know, we can wonder. And, we can share this wondering with caretakers, parents, family members and other professionals working with children birth to age 5.

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Spotlight: Promise 1000 Home Visiting for Kansas City

Promise 1000 is aimed toward demonstrating the collective impact of a collaborative of home visiting agencies serving families with young children in the bi-state metropolitan region. The collaborative was formed just over six years ago by three founding partners: Children’s Mercy Hospital, United Way of Greater Kansas City and Health Forward Foundation.

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MOAIMH-ECPromise 1000
A professional organization focused on mental health for ages 0-5

Have you felt you are swimming upstream?  Doing daily work rebuilding hearts and brains? Intervening after years of trauma have repeatedly toughened those seeking help? We know that just downstream there is that powerful, positive work that happens through strong families in first relationships with infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

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