A professional organization focused on mental health for ages 0-5
Have you felt you are swimming upstream? Doing daily work rebuilding hearts and brains? Intervening after years of trauma have repeatedly toughened those seeking help? We know that just downstream there is that powerful, positive work that happens through strong families in first relationships with infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
The work of centering strong families and first relationships is best done with all of us - we are a team. The founders of MOAIMH-EC wanted to connect with others doing this work to collectively benefit from the knowledge, skills and experience of similar professionals throughout Missouri as well as our nation. This group of dedicated individuals have been building a network and landing space for those hoping to join voices, amplify the importance of early relationships, and make an impact downstream.
We want to connect with you, share your work and learn from you. We are building a professional community focused on infant and early childhood mental health throughout Missouri. JOIN US! Tell us about your work and help us spread the word so we can all swim in the same direction and turn the tide for our children, families and communities.
2019 is a year of building.
You are key players and important to this work, and we need you guide our efforts in promoting infant and early childhood mental health system building, advocacy and change.
Let’s join our voices. Professionals in pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, social work, early education and care, home visiting, infant/toddler specialists, trainers, doulas, and many more professionals who work with infants, toddlers, young children and their families are all invited to become a part of our community. Especially those of you with direct experience (specialists, research, lived-experience) - ALL are key to making positive, sustainable change for in Missouri.
Let's do this.