Our History
……. Coming Soon!
Hosted a Spring Conference in partnership with the Department of Mental Health
Leadership Cohort for Early Childhood Endorsement was formed and earned their Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement®.
Endorsement opens to the state in a cohort model.
Hosted our Annual Conference: Nurturing Resilience November 15, 2024 with over 100 attendees!
Gatherings begin to provide MOPD Clock Hours
Thanks to a subawardee grant from UMKC Early Childhood Innovation Center, MOAIMH-EC in partnership with KAIMH will be supporting Endorsement for hundreds of Early Childhood Education Center Staff! This grant also provided funding for MOAIMH-EC to hire an Executive Director and Endorsement Coordinator
Infant Mental Health Endorsement Statewide Kickoff
Leadership Cohort for Infant Mental Health earns Endorsement®
New Logo 2023 - Present
Thanks to a grant from the Children’s Trust Fund, Missouri became the 34th state to join the Alliance and license Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health®
Gatherings gain participation statewide
Growth of DEI, Education and Endorsement committees and DEI action planning
MOAIMH-EC accepted into Forward through Ferguson’s Racial Equity Roundtable
Regional Gatherings launched
Statewide childhood mental health endorsement conversations begin with DSS and then sidelined by pandemic in 2020
MOAIMH-EC hosts first statewide retreat
Official affiliation with the national Alliance established
Website launch
Membership structure established
Original logo 2017-2021
501(c)3 status established
Creation of Mission, Vision, Goals, and Capacity Building Strategies
Adoption of Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Conflict of Interest Policies, Whistleblower, Ethics, and Record Retention Policies
Adopt name for the group “Missouri Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health”
Elect inaugural Officers and Board of Directors
Group of professionals in Kansas City discuss creation of an Association in Missouri focused on Infant Mental Health