If we had a one word mission statement it would be RELATIONSHIPS.
MOAIMH-EC is working to optimize well-being in the early years by promoting first relationships and advancing effective infant and early childhood mental health practice.
Who We Are
The Missouri Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (MOAIMH-EC), founded in 2015, is a professional organization and home for specialists across disciplines whose work is relationship-based and supports the developmental and emotional well-being of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents.
Members include social workers, psychologists, early childhood educators, childcare providers, nurses, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, administrators, legislators, child welfare professionals, judges, pediatricians, home visitors ... and this is not an exhaustive list.
We have joined the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health to bring a consistent, state-wide credentialing system for infant/early childhood professionals to Missouri. The Alliance presently works with 36 states and other international associations that have implemented the Endorsement credentialing system to support this field of professionals. These states work together to help shape policy and ensure that the system of competencies and standards for Infant Mental Health professionals is communicated nationally to professionals and institutions. allianceaimh.org
We are also an affiliate of the World Association of Infant Mental Health. WAIMH is a multidisciplinary international infant mental health organization that supports research, education, and clinical intervention that promotes optimal mental health for very young children and their caregivers. waimh.org
We envision that one day all Missouri children will have equitable services, supports, and tools needed to thrive. All who encounter Missouri children will have a comprehensive understanding of what is needed for social, emotional, and cognitive well-being across a child's lifespan.
The mission of MOAIMH-EC is to optimize well-being in the early years by promoting first relationships and advancing effective Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health practice.
Diversity-Informed Tenets
MOAIMH-EC leadership and membership are committed to ongoing improvement in our individual and collective understanding of and active living of Irving Harris Foundation’s Diversity-Informed Tenets for work with infants, children and families. To read more about each tenet and the ways justice, diversity, equity and inclusion are foundational to this collective work, click here.
Self-awareness leads to better services for families
Champion children’s rights globally
Work to acknowledge privilege and combat discrimination
Recognize and respect non-dominant bodies of knowledge
Honor diverse family structures
Understand that language can hurt or heal
Support families in their preferred language
Allocate resources to systems change
Make space and open pathways
Advance policy that supports all families
Organizational Sponsors
Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City
Organizational Members
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)
Parents as Teachers National Center (PANTC)
Connect with professionals passionate about the well-being of young children.
Find places and spaces filled with infant and early childhood mental health professionals.
News and Notes
Thoughtful pieces by and for infant and early childhood mental health professionals.