Calling all Kansas professionals dedicated to childhood mental health!
When: Thursday - Friday, April 18 - 19, 2024
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm Thursday, 7:30 - 3:00 Friday
Where: Regnier Center
12345 College Boulevard. Overland Park, KS
Learn More and Buy Tickets Here:
KAIMH Member Registration ($275), Non-Member Registration ($325)
Last day to register is April 9th!
Sponsorships Available Here!:
April 18th, 2024
This day is filled with keynote speaker, Dr. Barbara Stroud, and her presentation, "Relationships, Regulation, and Resilience." Dr. Stroud is a licensed psychologist with over three decades worth of culturally informed clinical practice in early childhood development and mental health. She is a ZERO TO THREE Fellow and holds prestigious endorsements as an Infant and Family Mental Health Specialist/Reflective Practice Facilitator Mentor. In her keynote Dr. Stroud will address the unpredictable world around us and how we return to the foundations of relationships and regulation as tools to build resilience. In this full day training she will cover the significant influences of relationships as they impact development, culture, self-understanding, and school readiness.
April 19th, 2024
Opening session this day is by Dr. Melissa Hoffman, “Perinatal Peer Support: An Essential Component of Care.” Dr. Hoffman works as a reproductive Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner integrated into an OB-GYN clinic at LMH Health in Lawrence, Kansas. She serves as a perinatal mental health content expert on grant-funded collaborative initiatives in Kansas, including Kansas Connecting Communities and Maternal Anti-Violence Innovation and Sharing. Benefits of a postpartum support system include a decrease of risk for maternal mental health disorders. Perinatal mental and substance abuse disorders will be reviewed as well as accessible resources for responding to families in need of support.
Additional breakout sessions include:
Perinatal Mental Health 101, Dr. Melissa Hoffman
Making Space for Reflective Supervision pt. 1 (must attend pt. 2 for in-service credit), Joy Hoofer, Ph.D. IMH-E® and Jessica Mostaffa, LCPC / LPC / IMH-E®
Impacts of Covid on Language Development, Jana Moreno, M.A., CCC-SLP, IMH-E® and Lynn Yates, M.S. CCC-SLP
Birth Equity & Infant Mental Health, Traci Dotson, LBSW, and Daneka Vann, BA
HOPE in Early Childhood, Trina Morgan, M.Ed. IMH-E®
Utilizing Self-Care to Strengthen Daily Practices, Lezli Carson, M.A., CCC-SLP, M.Ed., IMH-E® and Hannah Sohl, MSW, LSCSW
Implementing PAX Tools, Stacy Davis, MA
All sessions are approved for KDHE in-service.